Polled: Where did you catch your Black Widow?

Only 15 hunters responded. Maybe it's too rare, or the traffic to this poll is not yet there. I may re-run this poll again in the near future.. Meanwhile.. Town of Gnawnia : 0 (0%) Harbour : 6 (40%) Mountain : 6 (40%) Lab : 0 (0%) Mousoleum : 2 (13%) Digby : 1 (6%)


  1. Actually, I caught my Black Widow in the Meadow, which was not a choice.

    But I think it's too rare anyway.

  2. I Caught one today Jan 13 at the Lab.

    I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 5 oz. Black Widow mouse from the Laboratory worth 476 points and 14 gold.

  3. I caught my first tonight!! :D Thank You, Lord :D I'm in the Lab with a SnoB/dhyd/swiss

  4. One in the mountain one in the Lab.

  5. i caught both in the harbour
    i think i was repply lucky

  6. 11:30am May 14th
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 9 oz. Black Widow mouse from the Harbour worth 472 points and 15 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    8 pieces of super brie cheese.

    Swiss Army Trap, Target Base, Marble Cheese

  7. I got one....wait for it......
    In Nerg Plains with Ambush/Aqua/Gouda
    Gave me 6 SB+

  8. 11:45 pm - Lagoon
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 2 oz. Black Widow Mouse worth 480 points and 10 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    10 SUPER|brie+ and 1 Gnarled Cheese

    caught mine using ambush/explosive/gnarled

    quite surprised i managed to catch my very first black widow here! was planning to catch a hydra though...
