Walkthroughs #3

Demi Demdem (New Zealand) replied to Jen's post on May 12, 2008 at 7:49 PM <3 oh and an update for people who want to know what order to buy things in.. ************* wooden base - tacky glue - target base - mary - stone base - treb - swiss - explosive - deathbot ************* In this order you should be getting a new trap and/or base every 24 hours until you save for the swiss, which in the harbour is up to 48 hours, but took me 36, then another 24 hours for the explosive, then to the mountains to save for your deathbot - about 4-5 days max. obviously this is just my opinion, worked fantastically for me, you can go treb instead of rocket, and/or explosive before swiss (or after deathbot). ***Amount of cheese you should take travelling.. *** to the harbour - about 80-100 swiss cheese (or higher) to the mountains 100+ swiss cheese (or higher). Once in the mountains, use your profits to buy super brie - saves a lot on the travel costs.. (and i never went to the meadow) ***Travelling*** I recommend to harbour once you have the treb/stone set up And the mountains once you have your swiss/explosive, but you can go there with the swiss/stone. ***If you are having a bad day*** stick it out, don't go running with your tail between your legs, sometimes you have a bad day, get over it, the next day will be better. When your luck turns you don't want to be making half the money you could be back in town because the mean mice scared you. ******Important****** If you: 1) go to the harbour/mountains with the appropriate traps as recommended 2) take that amount of cheese with you to the harbour/mountains When it runs out, IF you have not made more than your monies worth back, then i will personally send you gold/brie to compensate.. hows that.. a money back guarantee! dem ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. currently sitting out in the harbour with treb/stone with 200 pieces of swiss... wish me luck!

  2. update after 1 day: 14k gold with 130 pieces of swiss left.

    roughly 200gold/cheese

  3. this is really old. needs updating. sb+ costs 3,400g now, not worth buying at mountains. =.=

  4. hey i would like to mahe a suggestion- the NVMRC Forcefield is considered to be far more useful due to the higher luck than the Deathbot... so why choose deathbot? the stale effect is unneeded as farming stale cheese only becomes necessary when the hunter need ancient cheese and that's not until they can get to bristle woods (which requires a hunter's title of legendary)

  5. i've lost like 10k gold following your walkthrough!!gold from 34,500 to 23,303!!!!!!!!!!!!!i can't attract a mouse n those mice keep taking away my gold

  6. im catching mice with rocke/explos and work MEGA great only lost 2 swiss while a profit of 20k
