Furoma, new area found at the Burroughs

I've not reached it for myself, but a new Grandmaster area in the Mousehunt game has been found. This is what I've found off the discussion boards. Shadow type traps used.
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 5 oz. Lycan mouse from the Mousoleum worth 9,246 points and 5,505 gold. Additionally the mouse dropped the following loot: Shredded Furoma Map Piece. My weapon seemed especially effective against this adversary.


  1. Cheers :)

    you are too lucky its been a while since the addition of the new mouse.

    did you traveled down there?

  2. I have a lycan mouse catch so i have the image of it is that what you meant?

  3. lucky me, first bait at pinnacle chamber :)

    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 1 lb. 1 oz. Master of the Dojo mouse from the Pinnacle Chamber worth 15,909 points and 27,317 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    1 Onyx Stone.

    My weapon was very effective against this mouse.

    Heading back to Dojo...

  4. Well, I got this one from a mole mouse. -yay-

  5. how do u even catch a lycan mouse?is it at the moseleum?how do i get dere?

  6. what do i do now with the Shredded Furoma Map Piece ?? i can't fix it because i can only fix in Bazaar --'

  7. 6:15 pm - Town of Digby
    I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 1 oz. Mole Mouse worth 550 points and 500 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    1 Shredded Furoma Map Piece and 1 Ancient Relic
