The Zugzwang Trap

New trap for sale, only at the Training Grounds of Furoma !
Zugzwang's Last Move (aka ZLM)
Now at 415,000 gold.

Zugzwang's Last Move ( 2200 power )
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 15%
Accuracy Bonus: n/a
Luck: 7
Cheese Effect: Positive

Explosive Base ( 300 power )
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: n/a
Cheese Effect: Negative

Combined Stats:
Zugzwang's Last Move - Explosive Base
Total Power: 3,000
Power Bonus: 20%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Total Luck: 7
Cheese Effect: No Effect

Throughout the years Wizard Zugzwang's creations have been spread across the Gnawnia Kingdom, being traded between experienced hunters and trapsmith. Zugzwang enchanted the pieces of his chess set to create a trap weapon capable of combating the cleaver mice in his tower. The pieces of this weapon come to life when a mouse approaches the trap's bait, the battle that follows is quick and decisive.

Tactical : Apparently mice caught have a greater chance of dropping things. Yes, even the regular ones may drop something when caught...
mhabbr : zlm


  1. * Tactical

    Built upon research of battle strategy, these traps are especially strong against mice trained in the art of war.

    as i can see in wiki :)

    so... i guess it will be used to get the new mouse in Training Grounds.

    Still missing 300k to test it :)

  2. Bought it and tested.

    Good at Furanma....

    BTW what cheeses do you bring to furanma...?

    I normally use Swiss most of the time.

  3. Field test result.

    Very effective against the following mice.

    Kung Fu

    I bring Swiss to Furama.... highest potential of returns in terms of money vs attractability vs rewards.

  4. I have bought it, tested it and think 'OMG, why did I waste the money on it?'

    Stats since having the trap up:

    Total visits to trap: 18
    Mice caught: 4
    Nothing: 6
    Mice ate cheese: 7
    Mice pillaged: 2

    I think I will go back to the SNow.

    BTW: I was in the training grounds

  5. Personally, if you were one of those that managed to buy the Snob during Ronza's visit, i think you don't really need the ZLM. You should be targeting the Ambush Trap next.

    A lot of us were already beating down meeces to peeces with the ZLM before the Snow Barrage came around, so we're fine with the chance to alternate between these traps at the Dojo.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. my own research (for the training grounds) :

    mutated venus/DEHY/brie=
    Your Trap: Mutated Venus Mouse Trap
    Your Base: Dehydration Base
    Total Power of your trap: 2904
    Total Luck of your trap: 12
    Your Trap Power Type: Tactical
    Total Attraction bonus of your trap: 5%
    Cheese Freshness Rating of your trap: No Effect

    Estimated Overall Attraction Rate: 77.2%
    Estimated Overall Catch Rate: 51.57%
    Estimated Stale Cheese per 100 Hunts: 6

    Points per Hunt: 1126.19
    Points per Cheese: 1358.49
    Gold per Hunt: 161.61
    Gold per Cheese: 194.95

    Your Trap: Zugzwang's Last Move
    Your Base: Explosive Base
    Total Power of your trap: 3000
    Total Luck of your trap: 7
    Your Trap Power Type: Tactical
    Total Attraction bonus of your trap: 5%
    Cheese Freshness Rating of your trap: No Effect

    Estimated Overall Attraction Rate: 77.2%
    Estimated Overall Catch Rate: 51.26%
    Estimated Stale Cheese per 100 Hunts: 6

    Points per Hunt: 1121.49
    Points per Cheese: 1352.81
    Gold per Hunt: 159.09
    Gold per Cheese: 191.91

    as you see in the ZLM option you have around 100 more power and in the mutated venus option you have 5 more luck so its your choice..

    well.. those are the statics in the theory, maybe in the prctice they will be different, but personally I will try the mutated venus with the DEHY, because with so many mouse the luck plays a a very important roll, and helps with the loots, that we will need so much in this area. so that is all.
    @ jester: can you make a post about this?

  8. Hey If im at Furoma should I use Mutated Venus Mouse Trap Or Should I Use Zugzwang's last move? And along with that trap should I use explosive base or dehydration base? (those are the only 2 bases I have :[) Please Reply soon!

  9. Use mutated Venus mouse trap with dehydration base

    Trust me I used it is awsome. (I got ambush blueprints in a day) btw I am gm 40% and I already have ambush trap and have caught the master of the dojo
