Master of the Cheese Belt

The Master of the Cheese Belt is only attracted to the Glutter. This is currently the bane of my game.. 27 pieces of Glutter eaten and still zero catches.. Drops the Cheese Belt Shard. Hopefully..


  1. Maaaan, this is depressing.. 36 Glutters and still Zero Masters here.

  2. Woot, got it with my second try.
    ZLM, Expl. Base and Glutter.

    All I need now is the Ambush Trap Blueprint

  3. Wezy is right. I jus used 6 glutter with ZLM, Polar Base and none Master, but when i read his post i tried it and get 3 masters in a row

  4. I tried once with the giant speaker/dehy with no luck. Read this post, so I switched out the base with the magma base. Got one on the first try! Just use the highest tactical trap with the highest power base you have... seems like with glutter there's no risk of getting stale cheese.

  5. u guys are really too unlucky ... i went there and the first hunt i had at the meditation room , i CAUGHT THE MASTER OF THE CHEESE BELT .

  6. I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 1 lb. 14 oz. Master of the Cheese Belt Mouse worth 7,200 points and 900 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    1 Master Belt Shard

    Trap setup


    Im so lucky .

    Very First catch after crafting Glutter . =D

  7. you need to use ambush and dehydration/explosive base.

  8. Seems that some masters are harder to catch for some mousehunters...
