Birthday Trap

If you're saving up gold and well on the way to afford a Bottomless Pit or an ACRoNYM, don't buy it yet.. We're expecting Ronza to visit the lands with another special edition trap, but we're not sure how much it'll cost. You can buy a regular Trapsmith trap or make a Crafted Trap anytime. Remember that Ronza's visiting time is limited. You were warned!


  1. Does Ronza visit every time there is a special event?

  2. oops, i just sent my furoma and mousoleum maps to the cartographer

  3. @DavidsDiary, yeah, it looks to be a trend.. It's also an elegant gameplay way to temporary introduce special items.. Chrome DDB, Snow Barrage and Polar Bases were sold that way..

  4. Will she sell Snow Barrage again this time she visits?

  5. no, limited edition traps won't be resold

  6. How will we know if Ronza is around? Is she always in the same place? Will she show on my map?

  7. My friend got a birthday trap its called HitGrap Horsey.

    he will be posting the pic soon.
    550 power
    ...the rest is fren will realease it...hahahaha

  8. Thanks for the info. I was just ready to buy a Deathbot for my party hat...but I think I'll wait.

  9. I have a Deathbot and just received a party hat. Not sure how to put it on the deathbot though. Hmmmmm...
    Also received the Horsey trap.

  10. to put on the party hat smash the deathbot with the hammer and combine the deathbot parts with the party hat

  11. *Smash the Deathbot and create the Party Bot with your Party hat!

    Mouse DeathBot ( 2400 power )
    Power Type: Physical
    Power Bonus: 15%
    Accuracy Bonus: 10%
    Luck: 2
    Cheese Effect: Negative
    PartyBot ( 2850 power )
    Power Type: Physical
    Power Bonus: 15%
    Attraction Bonus: 15%
    Luck: 25
    Cheese Effect: Stale

    Nice boost on the Luck!

  12. now i wonder... it shows... *now we can unwrap the prezzi* does that mean we won't be catching no more birthday mice?

  13. still no ronza, but i got a HG horsie

    HitGrab Horsey ( 550 power )
    Power Type: Physical
    Power Bonus: 2%
    Attraction Bonus: n/a
    Luck: 20
    Cheese Effect: Very Fresh

  14. phew.. lotsa new stuff.. hopefully I can make time to post about them before the birthday weekend's over..

    hmm. maybe ronza's not coming this round, given that the mouse deathbot and the horsey trap are shown..

  15. dont forget the base

    Birthday Cake Base
    Points Required: 0
    Power: 175
    Power Bonus: 11
    Attraction Bonus: 5
    Luck: 0
    Cheese Effect: No Effect

    perhaps ronza will come and sell the traps again, i would like to get the base as well. also, the MH app says "Some presents may not seem valuable at the moment but could be in the future!".

  16. the party bot looks fun loving..... very high luck.

  17. I got the birthday cake base in a fancy present. Seems to work pretty well.

  18. @k3wldud3 2nd post
    No, Polar Base is resold, and maybe around Yearly Event those limited edition thing like SnoB will be resold.

  19. PartyBot - Birthday Cake Base

    * Total Power: 3,812
    * Power Bonus: 26%
    * Attraction Bonus: 20%
    * Total Luck: 25
    * Current Bait: 137 pieces of Brie
    * Cheese Effect: Stale


  20. My Deathbot isn't active right now, but it doesn't show up in the list to be smashed by the hammer. Am I missing something?

  21. @BloggerX

    The polar base does not display the limited edition symbol, whereas the SnoB and the ChromeBot does.
