Fairy Mouse

Fairy Mouse (Thanks Heather!)
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 7 oz. Fairy mouse from the Great Gnarled Tree worth 5,769 points and 937 gold.
And now the Fairy Mouse may drop the map to the Lagoon, another new area in Whisker Woods. [and finally, close to 10 days later]
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 4 oz. Fairy mouse from the Great Gnarled Tree worth 5,772 points and 934 gold. The mouse also dropped the following loot: 1 map of the lagoon. My weapon was very effective against this mouse.
I was using Snob/Exp/Brie..


  1. Finally caught this mouse on my second try with forcefield and swiss. GOT THE LAGOON MAP TOO! The venus flytrap kind of sucked. =/

  2. ambush/polarbase/swiss

    still nothing... what's wrong?

    1. Should try using Brie cheese or gnarly cheese

  3. I also had a cousin who got the fairy, (actually, TWO of the stupid things :P) With the NVMRC trap, although it was basically due to his INSANE luck. My Partybot/Polar/Brie has yet to catch one, after over a month of hunting *seriously, i've gone almost 100% through grandmaster trying to get it* and has missed 5 consecutive Fairies.

    So, all in all, I'm making the official conclusion that catching the fairy is a matter of luck, and requires a lot more of it than is altogether necessary. If you havn't caught one already, hold tough, if you have, many congratulations are in order. ^^

    (Just to emphasize my point, I've counted every rare mouse attraction so far, and have gotten 29 tiger attractions, with 11 catches, 11 nomad attractions, with 2 catches, and 5 fairy attractions, with no luck quite yet. I lost track of my Eagles, but I have caught at total of 127 them. And to blow my luck completely out of the water, I've caught a whopping 857 mice in the whisker woods region, having caught my cyclops on my fifth hunt.

    -Babbling on as usual,

  4. i just used luck, NVRMC+deyhydration+swiss and golden shield
    I got the lagoon on my first try.
    Thats luck for you

  5. huh u catch the fairy mouse in 10 days???
    if i... i use forcefield with dehydration at ggt (it's my first time at ggt) at there i got fairy mouse with map to lagoon ~.~

  6. I've wasted a while at the great gnarled tree waiting for this annoying mouse to appear..

    I'm using Ambush/Explosive/Brie and still no luck..

  7. i went in the great gnarled tree for my first time and my first mouse was fairy with the map for the lagoon :D :D :D I was with chillbot and candy cane base

  8. i got one a few days after going to the gnarled tree, and about 24 hours after switching my trap/base to acronym/magma. kinda out there, but i only needed swiss cheese. whatever works, right?

  9. I caught mine on my first day,late at night.

    10:45 pm - Great Gnarled Tree
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 3 oz. Fairy Mouse worth 5,775 points and 930 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    1 Map of the Lagoon

    i used venusmouse/dehy/swiss

  10. It was not easy to catch this mouse... finally caught it after changing my setup to:

    Mutated Venus Mouse Trap/Dehydration/Swiss

  11. will swiss army mouse trap work? I use swiss/dehidration/brie or granled cheese and could not get the fariy mouse 5 times :(

    11:16 am - Great Gnarled Tree
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Fairy Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
