Great Gnarled Tree

The Great Gnarled Tree is the second area found in the Whisker Woods.
For those of you who are lucky (and I've learned that wearing red underpants helps), you would have gotten your Gnarled Tree Map Piece from the elusive Cyclops..
For those of us still sitting, drinking and having raucous conversations at the Calm Clearing, we just have to sit, drink and chat some more..
You may go ahead and comment how long you have been sitting out here with us waiting for that map..
When you finally get in, don't forget to visit the Trapsmith to buy your Venus Mouse Trap!


  1. What level do you have to be to go to the gnarled tree?

  2. 201 hunts and counting, still no map...

  3. @wanderer, Master level.

    Although, I wonder if there are more Masters getting in there than Heroes..

    Maybe it's the blood-scent of us lich/wight/acolyte splattered Heroes that's keeping the Cyclops away..

  4. yay, i got it! *checks underpants* nope, they're not red.

  5. I get mine after 10 hunt!!


  6. I just got a potion from a Frog Mouse for Gnarled Cheese. It converts SB+ or Brie. I now have 30 Gnarled Cheese, I wonder what mouse likes this?

  7. Not to flaunt it, but I got it same day . . .

  8. it took me 4 days.. though who knows if it could have been obtained quicker had the trap checks not been broken. :o

  9. Lagoon map dropped by Fairy Mouse in Gnarl Tree opens the door to the Lagoon in Whisker Woods. Must at least be a Grandmaster or above to access the Lagoon and only use Gnarl cheese. Gnarl Cheese Curd potions could be found in Gnarl Tree. Not sure what type of mouse dropped the potion loot. =)

  10. Centaur Mice can drop 1-2 gnarled potions, and frog and bear mice can drop 1. Take it from a veteran ggt hunter, (Over 800 catches here UGH) that I know what I'm talking about. ;) Generally, fairies are the 2nd rarest mice here, but due to their extreme rarity, *they hardly ever show up* they are generally considered harder to catch than the Nomad mouse.

    Back to the Gnarled potion, the conversion for a grandmaster is:

    6 Brie at 400/pp or 24 SB+ at 0/pp.

    Although I can't say for the SB+ amount, the Brie goes up 1 converted for every title you progress. (Eg. Legendary converts 7 Brie)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. ei i got mine in my red undies! hehe! it really helps you guys...

  13. Fairy mouse - 2 caught out of 2 encounters.

    Using VMT/Exp/Swiss

  14. and just get lucky. I got the gnarled tree map piece since journeyman at about 15%...I've been sitting in the calm clearning patiently trying to level up!

    (ok, not so patiently. I've clicked that horn about 1500 times so far)


  15. I got the map at 8% Journeyman, too. Actually got it in the first few hours after I got to CC. Didn't realize how rare it was :)

  16. @Jester Nim

    I disagree, i think the blood scent form the mice in the catacombs/etc. attracts the cyclops, got mine in just over an hour, 2nd random trap check ;)

    Now getting that dumb flighty fairy mouse is another story...

  17. centaur, frog, bear and chameleon i think can all drop between 1 and 3 potions, though more powerful mice generally drop more

    the rarest mice in the great gnarled tree are the nomad, foxy and tiger, fairy is the second most powerful after nomad, but it is not very rare

    goblin, hydra, troll and water nymph are attracted to gnarled cheese when you are hunting in the lagoon

  18. what cheese is good for gnarled woods?

  19. I went to the calm clearing for the first time today and caught a cyclops with a gnarled tree map piece in the same day! I used the swiss army knife trap with a dehydration base. Oh, and with swiss cheese.

  20. pretty lucky i suppose, with a forcefield and dehydration base, i caught 2 cyclopes in a role, and certainly, it gave me a GGT map piece
    and i am journeyman 8% only

  21. Whoah!!! Didn't realise that it is such a rare map!! I caught a cyclops on the first night i went to calm clearing!!! I was only 3% Journeyman!!!

  22. is dehydration bas better than explosive to get better mic elike cyclops>??im journeyman and am using swiss knives


  24. 7:39 am - Calm Clearing
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 13 oz. Cyclops Mouse worth 2,800 points and 2,800 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    1 Gnarled Tree Map Piece and 1 Cherry Potion

  25. LOL,i waited so long 4 the dam map.

  26. LOL,i waited so long 4 the dam map.

  27. WHere can i get the red underpants?

  28. i dont evet have a calm clearing map piece now i am grandmaster
