Troll Mouse

Troll Mouse I'm still sitting under the Gnarled Tree, so go ahead and throw me your stats.


  1. Just got one!

    "These hideous mice lurk under bridges and rocks waiting to ambush MouseHunters, although their wretched scent often gives away their position! Trolls yell their rude, incoherent babbling to any MouseHunter they cross, almost taking pleasure from it. Those who fall victim are quickly clubbed and their possessions ransacked. Some mice just have no manners! A final word of advice: never feed the trolls!"

    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught an 8 oz. Troll mouse from the Lagoon worth 8,183 points and 8,198 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    16 pieces of swiss cheese, 32 pieces of cheddar cheese, 8 pieces of brie cheese.

    Trap: Ambush Trap with Polar Base and Gnarled Cheese.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That was in the Lagoon.

    Oh, have the golden shield up too. Total luck was at 23.

  4. Wow.. I just realised that it dropped lots of loot too.. hope i get mine soon..

  5. I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 13 oz. Troll mouse from the Lagoon worth 8,178 points and 8,203 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    30 pieces of marble cheese, 40 pieces of cheddar cheese, 10 pieces of brie cheese.


  6. It's okay dude, I still havn't caught my Fairy yet. Even WITH ambush... *sighs* oh well, it will come, it will come.

  7. ROFL, just realized, my friend has had the lagoon map for ages and has been sitting with me in the great tree just to make me feel better about it. Ah, friendship. Oh well, i've been on a relatively good streak as of late, so, I dunno, I'll get the fairy when i get the fairy. And after that, i'm huntin' the harpy. bwahahaha. My reasoning is: If I have enough hunts in the lagoon with my partybot i'll eventually get lucky enough to get a few of the rare mice there lol.

  8. 8:00pm
    I sounded the Party Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 14 oz. Troll mouse from the Lagoon worth 8,177 points and 8,204 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    19 pieces of swiss cheese, 28 pieces of marble cheese, 38 pieces of cheddar cheese.

    My party multiplier was x2.
    This catch earned my party 8 points.

    Yeah! I got mine :D Now, I just need Harpy, and I have all the Lagoon-only mice. *excluding hydra, which can be caught elsewhere*

  9. I was epically suprised
    btw i got all these within my first 10 pieces of gnarled:

    I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 9 oz. Hydra mouse from the Lagoon worth 9,632 points and 5,769 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    5 Scrap Metals, 8 Splintered Woods.
    9:58pm yesterday
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 9 oz. Troll mouse from the Lagoon worth 8,182 points and 8,199 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    12 pieces of Swiss cheese, 23 pieces of Cheddar cheese, 6 pieces of Brie cheese.
    9:42pm yesterday
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 5 oz. Water Nymph mouse from the Lagoon worth 4,721 points and 795 gold.
    9:12pm yesterday
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught an 8 oz. Troll mouse from the Lagoon worth 8,183 points and 8,198 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    15 pieces of Marble cheese, 5 pieces of Brie cheese.
    9:00pm yesterday
    I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught an 8 oz. Water Nymph mouse from the Lagoon worth 4,718 points and 798 gold.
    8:57pm yesterday
    I sounded the Hunter's Horn.
    I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 14 oz. Troll mouse from the Lagoon worth 8,177 points and 8,204 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    18 pieces of Swiss cheese, 35 pieces of Cheddar cheese.

  10. can you catch one with a FF, rocking horse or swiss with dehy, gingerbread, explosive, or stone? baited with gnarled? gingerbread? (im at festive comet ;))

    *what a novice-like question for a grand-master. ah well.

  11. I caught mine with Amb/GingerB

  12. I SO WANT THAT...But i am still in the dojo...catching student than sparring with them. 3,2,1 fight!!!

  13. I went on a hunt with Harry Chan where I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 10 oz. Troll Mouse worth 8,190 points and 8,190 gold.

    The mouse also dropped the following loot:
    31 Cheddar Cheese and 19 Swiss Cheese

    wow i caught with ambush.
