Polled: Net Cannon vs Harpoon Gun Compared

Thanks for taking part in the Poll! What's your Favourite Trap at Huntington II, Rodentia? 39 (15%)Net Cannon 23 (9%)Harpoon Gun 33 (13%)plus the Aquabase 31 (12%)PartyBot and Dehy/Polar 33 (13%)Who's Ronza? (absence makes the mind grow fodder) 166 (65%) Dude, still trying to build the ship! Votes: 252 Wow.. a whole lot of you are still way back there? Or is it that the veteranss have stopped reading this blog.. :( Anyways, you'd see this on the forums too, lots of people do not think that the Aqua traps and bases are of any significant advantage, once you have something like the partybot. Maybe the developers should consider making areas where various traps just won't work... And hey, mark it on your calendar ! Ronza's finally coming on the 31st of June.. Make sure you mark it down.. :)


  1. Its the scrap metal collection thats getting me...

  2. I can't seem to get anywhere near getting these traps or the new map piece. I'm a little frustrated right now....lol.

  3. @liz, i hear you.. I wonder if the %age of blueprint drops is reduced after it is sold at the Catacombs..

  4. What cheese to use on the ship? I've got the Net Cannon w/polar and getting almost nothing w/both swiss & brie. Trying to get the roughly 50K gold to afford the hydro base...

  5. @kathy,
    I caught most of the Huntington mice with swiss (believe it or not). The catch rate IS better with the Aqua base, and with either a Net Cannon or Harpoon.

    Seems that the Cook Mouse and the Shelder only react to SuperBrie.. And not often. :(

  6. can i use Ambush in rodentia?

    wanna skip catacombs. very interested in new isle. but, not enough point to buy hidro trap :(
