Crafting Item - Ancient Spear

ITEM: Ancient Spear
LOCATION: Dropped by Elder mouse in Cape Clawed (use Shell cheese to attract)
COST: None
DESCRIPTION: This magical spear is carried by the eldest mice of the Elub tribe.
REASON: The Spear is one of the essential parts of forming the Ancient Spear Gun, the strongest Hydro Trap in Mousehunt so far.
2 Batches of Shell Cheese and still no Spear. Tell me about your own experience.
[20July] 4th batch now! Arrgh!!!!
[20July + 10 minutes] Yes! Finally got one !!


  1. I got mine in two batches and my second mouse catch; the first didn't drop it.

  2. 2 batches, caught it on my 16th piece.

  3. I got mine on my 2nd or 3rd Shell from my first batch! XD

  4. i've done like 15 batches of Shell and have had no luck catching an elder. i am crying death and pestilence.

  5. Wow thats sadding, i got mine on 5th cheese
