Silth Mouse

Arrgh! The Silth Mouse is really hard to catch.

The Silth Mouse dropped the Chrome Nanite Coating during the Mousehunt birthday event. Now it's a matter of pride (and trying to complete the full mouse list) to get hold of this mouse.

I've not caught mine yet, but do drop a comment on how many Wicked Gnarly Cheese pieces you used to finally catch one.

Successful hunters swear by the ASG and the Kraken for catching them.

This elusive mouse makes his home in the damp subterranean rivers of the underpass, hiding in rocky crags. Its bat-like squeak and the splash of its feet can often be heard in caverns, but when hunters approach, it dives into the water and swims away faster than a Burroughs trout. Because it has spent so much time in seclusion, these guardians of the underpass have unusual taste--anyone aiming to catch it should note that only the gnarliest cheese will tempt it out of hiding.


  1. at this point: 207 WGC, and two Silth sniff only. :/ 93 left to catch with. :(

  2. 300 WGC, 0 catch, 3 sniff. Pretty much pathetic... :( back to GGT to potions, and will try again. Used ASG+Magma+shield.

  3. Roughly 150. I finally caught him on a new rumor I'm trying to start.

    Join the silth tournament. The silth comes out of hiding when he hears all the ruckus the tournament is making.

    (It's how I caught him, anyway...)

  4. 450 WGC, 17 attractions THE DEVS HATE ME

  5. 792 WG, 0 Silths.

    Trap: Kraken/Magma/Golden Shield

  6. Steve, which tournament? Whisk up the wood? Cannot find any Silth tournament...

  7. you need alot of luck to catch this one. ASG/Kraken - Magma base + shield are the recommended setup.

  8. Hunt 492 was my silth catch ... I used ASG/CCB missed 8. It was a middnight Tc :)

  9. I caught it with ambush and bamboozler, first catch at lagoon with wicked gnarled cheese, but missed my second.

  10. lol i catched it my with my 3rd piece of wicked gnarled cheese at lagoon with ambush trap and explosive base :DDD

  11. 350+ WGC, 3 caught, 26 misses..RR/Candycane/LGS =D

  12. 30wgc 8 misses 1 catch ambush with dehydration base

  13. 30wgc 8 miss 1 catch ambush with dehydration base in lagoon

  14. 13 WGC 1 silth
    ASG+Choclate Birthday Cake base+shield+Prospecter charm
