Christmas Cracker Trap

Christmas Cracker Trap  ( 3000 power )

Yummy.. This is what you get after exchanging the 12 Items looted in Days 'Til Christmas. I think this is a better trap compared to the PartyBot. It's great on luck and much fresher for the cheese.

Power Type: Physical
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 24
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh

All those gifts from the twelve days of Christmas, and not a single trap among them. . . Santa just doesn't understand Mouse Hunters. Oh well, never fear! Candy canes, reindeer antlers and Christmas lights all make great projectiles! Just stuff them in a giant cannon, pull the string, and voila! Instant present gratification. Now where's all that fruit cake from last year?

mhabbr : cct


  1. crap.. I didn't get all the item needed to claim this trap.. and I want it so badly.. :(

  2. Jester, did you get this? Is it worth it, already having the PB, or should I just get the SB?

  3. the items are all still available today! i got mine in 45 hunts with a very lucky setup

    gs/magma/brie and sb =39 luck.

    first 8 items with brie the rest with sb

    i am going to the dunes for the first time and at the moment 4 for 4!

  4. @northern, some are already reporting luckier catches with this trap at derr dunes. When Ronza finally releases the Chrome Drillbot, it would be the ultimate Rhino replacement...

  5. So you think holding out for the chrome drillbot is the best bet?

  6. Quick question though, after i've traded all the 12 days for the trap, will i still be able to get the loots for the 12 days just for some sb+?

  7. Chrome DrillBot for sale @Ronza ;)

  8. @lightdotal, should be. I've actually stopped hunting at the Festive after getting this trap - needed to earn gold for the Chrome DDB!

  9. I'm being a bit dumb here.. i have all the items, how do i trade for the trap? please help!! =S

  10. just go to this link

  11. to northern take the trap its way better n u can still get SB by trading with other people.

    to life u still have 1 day to get it so arm ur best cheese n hope for the best. (dats wat i'm doing right now.)

  12. should i exchange it for superbrie instead because i already have the pb and what's more, i'm getting the chromebot from ronza. thanks!

  13. well the power is higher then the partybot but the partybot's got higher luck n attraction (not including the base its equipped on). also the christmas cracker trap is cheaper than the partybot.

  14. yeah i have the partybot already. but should i exchange the 12 items for the christmas cracker trap or the 110 superbrie instead since i'm buying the chrome drillbot from ronza. wouldn't the christmas cracker trap be useless if i have the chrome drillbot?

  15. I'm still missing the darn eggnog. Anyone know if they're still dropping these things, or is it over? I'm considering going over to Ronza's to get the NYs mouse.

  16. i left two items.....
    eggnog and santa hats....

    do anyone knows how to loot these items in fastest way , shortest time?

    i want it badly!!!

    using super brie +

  17. to noob kia

    SB+ and the luckiest trap setup you have !

  18. I'm using now....

    out of $$$ and SB now....

