Cheese Recipe - Onyx Gorgonzola (OMG)


Or OMG (which is actually short for Onyx Marble Gorzonzola). Currently the only cheese the fussy ole Dojo Sensei Mouse eats.

Load this on your favorite Tactical Trap (I'd used HVMT/Magma) and well, hang on.

This recipe makes ~ 3 pieces ~
1 x Onyx Stone
6 x Ionized Salt
60 x Curds and Whey
Crafted from Onyx Stones found only on the Master of the Dojo, Onyx Cheese is made from an odd combination of gorgonzola and Onyx stone. Although most mice wouldn't normally care for a slice of gorgonzola intercut with onyx veins, Onyx Cheese is crafted especially to appeal to a very specific set of tastes. But who could desire this strange flavor combo? Someone as old as the rocks themselves, of course, a master of concealment. . . the Dojo Sensei.


  1. please add it to toolbar tanx

  2. The nugget mouse dros this as well, found in the town of digby or nearby. attract it with limelight.
