Breaking News! Monstrobot Crafted!

James Cha's Monstrobot
[ see also Fiery Warpath Walkthrough ]

While yours truly was catching up on some desparately needed sleep, James Cha crafted the first monstrobot. Ah, Mousehunt, you snooze, you loose (or miss something, in this case :)

  • Power: 8000 physical
  • Power Bonus: 20%
  • Attraction Bonus: 5%
  • Luck: 27
  • Cheese Effect: No Effect
  • 1 set of DeathBot Parts
  • 1 set of Digby DrillBot Parts
  • 1 set of RhinoBot Parts
  • 2 pieces of Sandblasted Metal
  • 400 Flameshards
  • 1 set of Sandstorm MonstroBot blueprints


  1. why did i have to get an nvmrc? they should make it useful for something, mousebot already has party bot upgrade and now this

  2. If I already converted my Rhinobot into an Enraged Rhinobot, do I have to get another Rhinobot before I can craft a Monstrobot?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. like me, since ive converted my Rhino to ERB, its now a sitting collectors edition...gotta make a new Rhinobot smash it, digby drillbot smash it and deathbot smash it... D:
