Bottomless Grave Upgrade

Sharp eyed Mousehunters have reported seeing the Power of the Bottomless Grave (BG) go up by 100 points. Looks like things are gearing up for the new Catacomb areas, under the Mousoleum. Start working up your gold for the BG ! It's over 600k! And if you haven't gotten more than one Tattered Mousoleum Map, try going back to hunt for more at the Lab. That's because when the Cartographer takes your map to fix it, you don't have it temporarily. That means you can't get to the Mousoleum while it's being fixed. Actually, I'm having an afterthought - I've gotten all my 4 copies of the Mousoleum Map under MouseHunt Ver 1. I've been camping at the Lab for 3 days now, successfully stomping Monsters. I've caught Zombies, but they've not dropped any more Maps. Has anyone gained more than one Mousoleum Map recently? (Since MouseHunt Ver2 in Dec?)


  1. i've only seen ppl get more than one shredded furoma map

  2. I think can only get 1 map at a time?

  3. perhaps there's too many new players around? from the faq in the mh wiki,

    Q. For the last three days or so I haven't had a mouse drop any loot. I have been catching plenty of mice in both the harbour and the mountains, but haven't got any loot.

    A. You still "collect earnings" from the gold that mice drop. Loot is a rare and infrequent thing. I haven't seen loot in several days, either. Not all mice in all areas have loot to drop. Sometimes loot is restricted to a certain type of mouse in a certain environment. That's simply how the system works. It's not about luck. It's the fact that thousands of players join MH every day, adding to the numbers, and the percentage of mice who drop loot stay the same, so over time, thousands of other players are catching the mice that drop loot. Thus, as the number of MH players grows, the number of mice you catch with loot naturally becomes more infrequent.

  4. I've caught 3 Lycans in the past week but only have 1 Furoma map to show for it. So I don't think it's possible to have more than one map at a time.

  5. I just picked up another set of Ambush trap blueprints, but I already used the first set. I was expecting a 2nd map of something, but never found more than 1 of any.

  6. at which stage can the tattered moz map be repaired?

  7. @shadowstrike
    That's a good point.. Haven't seen the news ticker say "The population of mice has increased recently" anymore..

    @woon siew
    Moz map fixing not available yet. No hint about when it'll be available.

    you all seem to be confirming my suspicion that the devs now put a program check preventing the dropping of more than one map..

  8. Not moz but i got 2 shredded furoma map, one from mole at digby town other is from lycan, maybe it should be 2 different mouse that drops to get both, or you can get another drop when you give ur map for repair.

  9. You can only get a second map while your first one is been repaired. That way the game sees you don't have a map and allows the mice to drop one.

  10. like serkan, I have 2 shredded furoma maps without any of the being repaired, I got them from mole mouses in DIgby
