Obelisk of Slumber

Aside from the guy jokes about the Obelisk of Slumber, you gotta admit that it looks cool..

Our first Arcane Trap sold at the Catacombs. Sets you back about 300k in gold.

Seen here with my favorite Polar Base and Radioactive Blue

The verdict's still out if the nickname should be Slum, Obes, OoS, or pointy thingy..

Configuration seen here:
  • Total Power: 2,530
  • Power Bonus: 10%
  • Attraction Bonus: 10%
  • Total Luck: 4
  • Current Bait: 14 pieces of Radioactive Blue
  • Cheese Effect: Über Fresh
And of course there will be a bunch of us who are too keen on swinging that hunter's hammer around, and would probably regret busting their Slumber too early. Now there's a way to get it back:

1 x Oblisk Parts
1 x Bead of Slumber
Description: This trap is available for purchase in the Catacombs Trapsmith but if you accidently smash your trap with your crafting hammer only to realise that you don't as yet have all the ingredients needed to craft your Oblisk of Incineration, you can now re-craft the OoS :)
mhabbr : oos