Wicked Gnarly Cheese

Wicked Gnarly Cheese

To get this currently, you have to hunt down the Chemist Mouse (GGT) and pick up the Wicked Gnarly Cheese potion. Imbue a few sb+ or brie and you'd begin to get a load of these.

Go to the lagoon for the Silth Mouse.

Formed by a gnarly magical process which transforms it from a relatively normal lump of dairy products into a dried-up ball of roots, this cheese is so twisted and covered with strange wood-grain patterns that it's hard to tell that it's cheese at all. Extremely Gnarly Cheese has got a much sharper scent than its counterpart, Gnarled Cheese, and a flavor that combines the zing of sandalwood and the sweetness of maple, which makes it like candy to some denizens of the Lagoon.

Wicked Gnarly Cheese Curd Potion

The Wicked Gnarly Cheese Curd Potion is dropped by the Curious Chemist Mouse. Go hunting at the Great Gnarled Tree.

The Wicked Gnarly Cheese formed is a favorite of the Silth Mouse.

Master and above:
200/pc One potion converts 6 Super Brie to 6 Wicked Gnarly Cheese.
800/pc One potion converts 3 Brie to 3 Wicked Gnarly Cheese.

Yup, you saw it right - one size fits all.. :(

Trap Recipe - Onyx Mallet

Onyx Mallet Trap

1 x Onyx mallet blueprints
10 x Tiny Platinum Bars
12 x Onyx stones

3800 power
Power Type: Physical
Power Bonus: 12%
Attraction Bonus: n/a
Luck: 6
Cheese Effect: Stale

The Onyx Mallet Trap represents the latest and greatest achievement in pulverizing technology. Unequaled in the making of such items as puree of mouse, mouse tartar and, the ever popular Mouse Paste, the Onyx Mallet is quickly becoming a favorite among those discerning individuals who insist on receiving their mice flat. Simply place the cheese below the mallet, set the arm to the ready position, and listen for the splat.

Note: This is a PERMANENT ADDITION to the game, even though it was released during the Birthday II Party event.

Crafting Item - Onyx Mallet Blueprints

ITEM: Onyx Mallet Blueprints
LOCATION: Dropped by the Dojo Sensei Mouse at the Pinnacle Chamber, Furoma.
A very crude trap design consisting of an extremely heavy mallet made of 12 Onyx Stones. The tremendous weight is held up by platinum supports made from 10 Tiny Platinum Bars.

Crafting Item - Tiny Platinum Bar

ITEM: Tiny Platinum Bar
LOCATION: Training Grounds
COST: 60,000 gold, refunds for same

A solid bar of platinum. This looks expensive!

Currently an ingredient in the Onxy Mallet Trap.

Crafting Item - Time Out Upgrade

ITEM: Time Out Upgrade
LOCATION: Dropped by the Dojo Sensei Mouse during the Birthday II Month Event. It's not yet known how the Nanny Bot can be upgraded at this time.

This gold-plated clock, when hung around the Nannybot's neck, interacts with the nuclear no-nonsense engine, amplifying the Nannybot's power to thwart shenanigans threefold. The clock also boosts the Nannybot's Time Out engine to a much higher grade of performance, allowing it to make sure that mice stay frozen. With the Time Out clock on your side, the Nannybot will achieve peak performance, punishing naughtiness left and right!

Dojo Sensei Mouse

Dojo Sensei Mouse

I suppose all old grandfathers sleep through bombing raids, the shoutings of students and masters training and fighting, the snaps of tactical traps going off, but wake up to the cries of their Terrible Twos offspring.. :)

Introduced during the MH Birthday II, these are the Masters of the Masters. And are partial to OMG Cheese. The Catch Contest during the birthday month reveals the catch statistics of 1 Sensei Mouse to 6-9 OMG Cheeses.

Rarely seen, these old and wise mice instruct the Dojo Masters from the shadows, not wanting their presence to be known to MouseHunters. Hunting these mice is not for the faint of heart -- Their swift attacks can leave the courage of even the most steadfast hunter extremely crippled. Brave hunters who take on the challenge of catching a Dojo Sensei and succeed are held in the highest regard as a hunter that has conquered the forces of the Furoma region.

The Sensei mouse drops the following loot:
1 Time Out Upgrade (I believe this is a Limited Edition)
1 Onyx Mallet Blueprints (MH Devs say this is a permanent addition)

Cheese Recipe - Onyx Gorgonzola (OMG)


Or OMG (which is actually short for Onyx Marble Gorzonzola). Currently the only cheese the fussy ole Dojo Sensei Mouse eats.

Load this on your favorite Tactical Trap (I'd used HVMT/Magma) and well, hang on.

This recipe makes ~ 3 pieces ~
1 x Onyx Stone
6 x Ionized Salt
60 x Curds and Whey
Crafted from Onyx Stones found only on the Master of the Dojo, Onyx Cheese is made from an odd combination of gorgonzola and Onyx stone. Although most mice wouldn't normally care for a slice of gorgonzola intercut with onyx veins, Onyx Cheese is crafted especially to appeal to a very specific set of tastes. But who could desire this strange flavor combo? Someone as old as the rocks themselves, of course, a master of concealment. . . the Dojo Sensei.

Unstable Curd Recipe


Be careful with this one, folks - this is NOT the recipe for OMG - one missed click and you'd be down of one Onyx. Of course, if your thing is gambling (sorry, I meant recreational mathematics), then go ahead and make a whole bunch of Unstable Curd to poke. Read in the forum somewhere that the average yield is 1 Onyx to 2.7 OMGs. You'd still be gaining on all the rest of cheeses you see listed below.

This recipe makes ~ 1 piece ~
1 x Onyx Stone
1 x Ionized Salt
1 x Curds and Whey
The combination of Ionized Salt, Onyx and Curds and Whey has made this extremely volatile lump of supersaturated curd. The slightest poke will cause the curd to stabilize into a random form of cheese.
You poke your Unstable Curd...
...and receive xxx xxx Cheese!

Poked cheese returns, so far:
Ancient 10, 12 pieces
Brie 30
Combat 7
Glutter 7
Gouda 20
Moon 10
Onyx Gorgonzola (OMG) 8, 10, 12 pieces
Radioactive Blue 20
Rumble 5
Runic 5
Susheese 7
Swiss 60

Mousehunt Birthday II

Happy 2nd Birthday to Mousehunt!

A simple event to celebrate the Terrible Twos. It's not too difficult, most get by with lucky traps with high attraction, brie and lots of patience.

Interestingly, luck does not favor the SB+ user.

Briefly, the event is as follows, thus far:

Nannybot Trap

Nanny Bot Trap
A ditty little mech trap specifically designed to catch those darn Terrible Twos Mice. It's also the first of the Parental type traps.

The only way to craft this is to grab loot from certain mice at Gnawnia, then click on the event link:
The devs have done the crafting this way since the trap is a Limited Edition.

You'd need to collect the Pincher, Nanny bolts and Timeout Hour Glass (see image below).

Nannybot  ( 525 power )
Power Type: Parental
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: n/a
Luck: 5
Cheese Effect: No Effect

Straighten up and mind your manners: the Nannybot is on duty! She has camera 'eyes' in the back of her head, four extra claw arms that allow her to be absolutely everywhere at once, and the Time Out Engine, a device that will catch and hold mice frozen in time until the hunter is ready to deal with them. Some mice 'borrowed' this model from Digby scientists as a prototype, so it lacks all the features of a factory model. Maybe with a few supplies, you could fix it up. . .

Terrible Twos Mouse

Terrible Twos Mouse

Cute li'l terror, isn't he?

Use the Nannybot Trap to catch. Choose your luckiest base. Brie. SB+ if you're feeling rich.

Currently found in the Meadows, but expected to run and hide in the Training Grounds. Who can blame it, with so many hunters camping around the place looking out for it.

Now drops the Chocolate Birthday Cake Base.

If children are the future, then this little mouse is about to bring about the apocalypse. At the tender age of two, it's carving out a name for itself in the history books (not to mention chewing the pages more than a little) by eating, burning, scratching and destroying everything it can get its little paws on. How did something this small manage to single-handedly collapse a city block? No one is really sure, but let's hope it's just a phase.

Chocolate Birthday Cake Base

Chocolate Birthday Cake Base

Other than being an event item, it's probably more useful to a novice just breaking into the Mousehunt game.
But you just can't say No to Chocolate..

Chocolate Birthday Cake Base  ( 175 power )
Power Bonus: 8%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 1
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Three of Gnawnia's finest bakers collaborated to produce this amazing cake, which also doubles as a decorative base. With double chocolate icing, three layers of triple chocolate cake, and an astounding, super rich filling of the as-yet-untasted quadruple chocolate fudge delight, this may well be the most chocolate-y base ever! This cake is tasty and filling for hunters, but if a mouse takes more than a few bites, it will lapse into a sugary coma.

Present Mouse

Present Mouse

This special event mouse has returned for the Mousehunt Birthday II party. He drops the Timeout Hour Glass this time around.

First sighting during the Festive Comet event.

Mousehunt Birthday II - The Walkthrough

Happy Mousehunt Birthday II !

Wow, some hunters are really adept! Read on for the Terrible Twos Birthday Walkthrough, showing what you need to do and how to build the Nannybot.

Posted by Trevor Hastings on the Mousehunt forums.
Town of Gnawnia:

Cheese: Brie or SuperBrie. Gingerbread, Rockforth, and Gouda will all basically act as Brie. Rockstar mice here are attracted to both Brie & SuperBrie.

--Bionic Mouse--
--Birthday Mouse-- Loot: 1 Nanny Bolts
--Brown Mouse--
--Burglar Mouse--
--Dwarf Mouse--
--Gold Mouse--
--Granite Mouse--
--Grey Mouse--
--Rockstar Mouse-- Loot: 1 Intimidating Pincher
--Pirate Mouse--
--Present Mouse-- Loot: 1 Timeout Hour Glass
--Steel Mouse--
--White Mouse--
--Zombie Mouse--


1 Nanny Bolts + 1 Intimidating Pincher + 1 Timeout Hour Glass = 1 Nannybot
via the hotlink at the top of the page, which is put here:

Thumbnail image of this in your inventory:

Full image of the NannyBot:


Trap Type: Parental
Trap Power: 525
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: n/a
Luck: 5
Cheese Effect: No Effect


Terrible Two's Mouse , Power Type: Parental
Silhouette: http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/adversaries.php?mid=220
**As of this post there have been 5 Catches**


Estimated Power Effectiveness Chart for the Parental Type:

•Non Parental traps are 0% effectiveness against Parental Mice
•Parental traps are 200% effective against Parental Mice
•Parental traps are 100% effective against Physical Mice
•Parental traps are 100% effective against Tactical Mice
•Parental traps are ?% effective against Shadow, Hydro, Tribal versions, Forgotten, and both Arcane Types


Terrible Two's Mouse lies in between Mutated Grey (~325 Power) and Christmas Tree Mouse (~590 Power). Assuming the mouse has 450 power, and the 200% modifier is correct, then the NannyBot has (525*1.05)*2 = 1102.5 power, so luck aside the catch rate is

~ (1103/(1103+450) ~ 71%. That's not including the additional power from a base, or factoring in luck from the trap, base, or shield. What you should take from this is that's the lowest catch rate you should see with the NannyBot.

For a comparison, if you were to use the Magma Base, we have (525+300)(1.13)*2 = 1864.5 power, and using the same equation that gives us an ~81% catch rate, once again, not factoring in luck.

Thumbnail of Terrible Two's Mouse: None available, but no need - just look at the banner at the top of the page. Looks exactly like that, a box around the head, cutting off the ears.

Full Picture of Terrible Two's Mouse:

Things needed:

--Continuing track of the Terrible Two's Mouse as it moves to new locations, if it does so.
--NannyBot Effectiveness against Non-Parental, Non-Physical mice.
--Word on the Harpy and Samurai Mouse, since they are dressed up (In Gnawnia?)
--General Data Submissions for NannyBot users.