
Location Areas in the MouseHunt World
  • King's Gauntlet (initiate) [King's Gauntlet Floorplan]
Whisker Woods
  • Laboratory (master) [Burroughs Laboratory Map Piece]
  • Town of Digby (master) [Key to the Town of Digby]
  • Mousoleum (master) [Tattered Mousoleum Map]
  • Bazaar (grandmaster) [Ticket to the Burroughs Bazaar]
  • Training Grounds (grandmaster) [Shredded Furoma Map Piece]
  • Dojo (grandmaster) [Furoma Map Stitch]
  • Meditation Room (grandmaster) [Furoma Map Stitch]
  • Pinnacle Chamber (grandmaster) [Furoma Map Stitch]
Bristle Woods
  • S.S Huntington II (legendary) [Ship]
  • Seasonal Garden (lord/lady) [zugzwang's scarf]
  • Zugzwang's Tower (lord/lady) [tower key]

Tribal Isles (About) [Ocean Navigation Kit]
Sandtail Desert

  • Spring Egg Hunt (Easter 2011)

Ronza's Travelling Shoppe


Anonymous said...

Something new is coming in Whisker Woods called the Lagoon. Not sure if this is a leak or something, but check out the Wiki. The mice are there and all.

Naomi Minase said...

Lagoon map dropped by Fairy Mouse in Gnarl Tree opens the door to the Lagoon in Whisker Woods. Must at least be a Grandmaster or above to access the Lagoon and only use Gnarl cheese. Gnarl Cheese Curd potions could be found in Gnarl Tree. Not sure what type of mouse dropped the potion loot. =)

Jester Nim said...

probably started out as a leak :)
but more and more people are catching them now..

Ouch, i've been catching a few Fairys previously.. hope that doesn't affect my "karma" now..

Anonymous said...

I got my map, we'll see what happens now

Sydelle said...

I've caught several zombie mice in the laboratory, but I still haven't gotten the map piece to the mousoleum that they're supposed to drop. Is there a reason??

Anonymous said...

Sydell, the mousoleum map piece is now dropped by the zombie mouse in the town of digby,

Unknown said...

how to get those key in town of digby?